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    David Boyar
    CEO, ChangeGPS
    David joined ChangeGPS as GM of Growth and then CEO to drive the development of the industry after founding The Virtual CFO Association and co-hosting 'From the Trenches'—Australia's #2 iTunes business podcast. David's one of the youngest Fellow Chartered Accountants in Australia. He loves using accounting to help Aussie mums and dads so much that he did a TedX talk on it.
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    Timothy Munro
    Founder & Executive Director, ChangeGPS
    Tim founded ChangeGPS after founding award-winning accounting firm Change Accountants & Advisors. Tim is a former Director of the Institute of Public Accountants, is currently its Queensland President, and he lives and breathes his professional passion for accounting. At ChangeGPS Tim fuels the vision for a better accounting industry using technology and best practice. Outside work Tim’s a parent, drummer and cricket-player.